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Children's Personality Dovelopment

Generally, in all the schools a curriculum will be followed which evaluates child's educational talents and proficiency. Education will be fulfilled when it is combined with a person's personality development which includes his attitude behavior and pleasing personality. This education gives the one a life. Many obstacles will come in the process of learning. It is the parent and teachers combined effort that would make the child to overcome all the hurdles and obstacles that come in the way. The first learn't is the best learn't. Positive attitude, behavioral patterns, good motivation and discipline would inspire the child to reach the goal. Attitudes will be shaped during formative years. Proper environment, education and self-confidence can be achieved by having a positive attitude. The child?s environment is home, school and company. Social environment, family background, traditional beliefs will influence the behavioral patterns. A special teacher can only impart this special training. The teacher has the vital role to play. The teacher has to mould the child's attitude into a positive attitude. A holistic approach is needed. Self esteem should be found from the beginning. Lying, cheating, stealing, doing violent actions while no one is watching would give one a critical thought to observe himself. When the consciousness pricks him he would hesitate to do such things when he is alone. That is self-esteem. This can be taught by the teacher through media. Example. Great people?s life incidents through movies. Building a positive self-esteem is important. A child should be kept away from the negative influences. Discipline is one very important thing which gives the child a better life. Through discipline one can build good character. ?If discipline is practiced in every home juvenile delinquency would be reduced to 95%? By Edger hooker.
In India the teacher will be treated as god. The teacher is everything. The children like the teacher and treat him/her as their protector and saviour.

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