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Skeleton Key
(Anthony Horowitz)


Alex Rider is practising football when he meets John Crawley [Alex doesn?t know what he is used for at MI6] and he asked if Alex would be a ball boy at Wimbledon. Alex agrees.

But when he?s in Wimbledon an odd man appears and when he finds out that each time the tennis player?s drink water from a machine they feel all dozy. Alex fights him and then goes saying he feels sick and tells MI6.

Alex was invited to stay with his friend [who he had made while at Wimbledon] he was now surfing, but suddenly a man tries to kill him with his boat. Sabina [his friend] rescues him and when he next opens his eyes he's in MI6 headquarters.

Alan Blunt [head of MI6] says Alex is not save in England. Alan Blunt persuades Alex to go to an island where he will be save.

Alex gets in to Skeleton Key with a fake father and a fake mother who work for CIA [the CIA is exactly the same as MI6 except American.] Tom [the father] is invited on a boat, Alex finds out they are going to kill him. So he sets fire to the boat and escapes.

Tom tells Alex there?s a bomb on the island. Alex?s fake mum and dad go diving and say they?ll be back in twenty minutes but they were not back and an hour had gone. Alex decides to go in, and then he sees a shark but suddenly the stalactites and stalagmites trap it. Now he sees how his fake mum and dad died.

Alex got back on the boat; suddenly he was caught then drugged. When Alex next opened his eyes he was a meter away from dying. Then he hears a man?s voice saying ?tell me everything about you and I?ll set you free?
Alex tells him but the man then lied, Alex was ready to die in the spikes when it all suddenly stopped.

Alex was in a room dining with a Russian Man Alexei. After they finish they go out on horses and Alexei tells Alex he had a son that died at an age of sixteen then he says he wants to adopt him. But Alex knows he?s got a-bomb and wants to know why he?s going to let it go off.

Alex tries to escape by hiding in the boot but it doesn?t work. The Prime Minister of Russia is there; when Alex comes to dinner he witnesses all the men in the room including the Prime Minister of Russia dying. Then they get on a plane to go to Russia refuelling in England. He tells Alex that the bomb will take the whole of Europe and Russia will be powerful.

When they stop to refuel in England Alex escapes using a gadget that knocked out Alexei. Alex goes into a private office and uses a telephone. But someone catches him and doesn?t allow him to use a telephone. Alexei then comes in, kills the guard and handcuffed Alex.

Alex is tied right next to the bomb but frees himself. Then the Russian army came. Alexei was right next to Alex holding a gun right in his hand; he fired a single shot at Alex ?BYE BYE ALEX?

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