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(Bram stocker)

Dracula and bram stocker doesnt need any introduction.it was one of the master pieces among the horror genere of all times.but it was mistaken as a novel just about the blood thirasty dracule king of romania and his friends.no one ever wanted to see the bravery of jonathan harkar who lived with king dracule and finally manages to escape.it ha one of the great pieces of romance when lucy is proposed by three youn men and she tells to meena murray"why is it that a women needs to love only one man.......why cant she love all the three....if iwas independent i would have loved all of them but the truth is that i ont want to be independent."finally when lucy is killed by kin dracule she becomes a vampire and her brave friends want to save her from reaching hell even if its at riskin their soul and life or even their entry to heaven is denied.
It carries an ideal message of friendship bond of love between jonathan harker and meena murray.and brilliance of great doctor van helsing who believes that superstitions are those beliefs that people dont know rather than blind beliefs.it some times chills the blood when the silence of dark night and smell of garlic flowers are explained especially if you are reading at 12 o clock in night;

In a horror novel stocker could incorporate too many aspects of tender human mind, friendship and love.its a pity that people call it as a horror novel but the truth is that it is the greatest all round novel..just ten out of ten simply superb.
for those who cannot get the copy project guttenber provides abstract of dracula.some sites even ive you full book freee of cost provided you respect copy right.dracula is not merely a horror novel.its surely a must read novel

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