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Redeeming Love
(Francine Rivers)

A story about a beautiful young girl who goes from shame to glory. She was loved and raised by her mother and utterly rejected by her selfish father. Her mother dies when she is eight years old and leaves her to her drunken uncle. The uncle finds what he thinks is a safe and loving home for her but unknown to him it is worse than hell. He comes to his death when he gives this precious blued girl right into the hands of a pimp who has an digustingly fondness for little girls. When she is old enough to devise an escape, she runs from this horrid man who is the depiction of the devil. But to her unfortunate luck she runs right into the she version of the devil, a lady pimp who has a tighter control over her. The girl finally melts down and excepts her life of doom until a man spots her and falls in love with her. He persudes her to run away with him, but her heart is no longer soften by anyone's love let alone a man's love. But he does not give up so easily to win his lady's love, so he traps her into marrying him and takes her to his cabin as his beloved. She repeatedly runs away and he brings her back time and time again. His unconditional love eventually melts her heart of stone and she lives happily with her prince who saved her from utter despair. From a unrespected prostitute of no moral character the blue eyed beauty becomes the wife of the most respected man in town.

Resumos Relacionados

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- Part Time Love

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