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The Secrets Of The Templars

The story take place under the reign of Charels the VII, king of
France. In a corner of the country men are busying themselves. They are
prowlers and seem to be looking for a cave that appears to be but a
figment of their imagination. To go unnoticed these man di not hesitate
to use strong armed tactics, taking children as hostages.Alerted to
happenings, Jhen decides to establish the facts for himself, and
enlists the help of mnks at a nearby monastery. Jhen manages to get his
hands on a scroll from the men to which they seem to have been greatly
attached. And to his suprise the scroll reveals the existence of a
treasure....hidden away years earlier by the Templars, so as to leude
the then King Philippe le Bel. Is there really a templar treasure;
rumours spread to bands thugs across the land, who will stop at
nothinng to find out whether the treasure foretold by the scorll rests.

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- The Alchemist

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- The Alchemist

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