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B Photo
(Joao Silva)

IT INSTALLS ON SYSTEMS FOTOVOLTAICOS TO NET ELETRICA PUBLISHES IN PORTUGAL..... It is is a very attractive form for who intends to rentabilizar a roof, or a land next to a habitation, to the measure that promotes a bigger culture of energy and respeitadora efficiency of the environment, given that it can produce and now vender all the generated green energy, benefiting of tariff a sufficiently atractivo one. An installation of 5 KW produces annually in average, and having in account the geographic localization and obstacles (shades), about 7.000 kWh, that, in accordance with the tariff one in vigor of 0,44 euros, allows an annual income of 3.080 euros. Portugal is as the parents of the European Union with bigger external dependence in terms of energy supplying, having imported during all the decade of 90 more than 85% of the energy that consumed. Portugal has a great dependence of fuels of fossil, allied origin to one raised tax of growth in the final consumption of energy, had to this raised Portugal tax this not to fulfill some of the international commitments as for example the protocol of Quioto. In the passed decade, the increase most significant in terms of emissions occurred in the sector of the transports (68%), followed for the sector doméstico/serviços (31%). In this I finish, the technologies of exploitation of the solar energy can easily be introduced, contributing for the alteration of this situation. We have a resource, where if it includes the great hídrica, that contributes strong for the reduction of this great dependence. A on fotovoltaico system to the public net is constituted by solar modules, that produce chain continue from solar energy, for an invertor, that converts the cited chain continues in the usual alternating chain of 230V, for accountants who measure the electricidade introduced in the system, for the cablagem and the scaffolding of support of the system. In the case of inclined roofs, the declivity must be turned the south and to have an angle between the 25 and 35º. The available surface for the assembly of a system must have, at the very least, twelve meters In the case of a plain roof, the available surface for the assembly of the system must have, at the very least, 20m. In the case of the installation to be efectuada to the level of the ground, is only necessary that the place has a good solar exposition and that is not ensombrado by trees nor for buildings.

Resumos Relacionados

- Solar Revolution

- Foto B

- Law Of Conservation Of Energy

- Instala Sistemas Fotovoltaicos Ligados À Rede Eléctrica Pública Em Portugal

- Instala Sistemas Fotovoltaicos Ligados À Rede Eléctrica Pública Em Portugal

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