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Catcher In The Rye
(JD Salinger)

Written in a unique style the book is told from the point of view of a teenager who just can't wait to get kicked out from one school and another. He finally has to leave the boarding school after he fails and takes a lone ride home.

But he doesnot want to face his parents whom he doesnot want to burden with his miserable self. So he checks into a hotel after asking the cab driver inane questions like where the ducks from the park go to in winter. So now he is in a seedy hotel and sees people out of his window doing weird things. Next a liftman offers to get him a hooker. So he goes for it and next thing he knows he is beaten up for not paying enough for the lack of sex between him and the hooker.

While all this goes on he is also remembering his girlfriend whom he wants to call up but calls another girl. They meet up and he inevitably calls her a "phoney" just as he would call everyne else around him a phoney - the teachers, the students, the whole city.

He remembers his dead brother and the good times he has with his younger sister in whom he confides that he will never come home. She wants to go with him but he can't possibly take her along and of course he can't break her heart.

He realises he wants to catch children in the rye fields as he hears a kid singing that old song. What it means is that he wishes kids remained kids and never lost their innocence. He wants to catch them from falling into the phoney adulthood and protect them.

So for his sweet kid sister he returns home. What he will do with his studies he is not sure.

Greatest book any kid or adult will ever read in their life is what is Catcher In The Rye by that elusive, reclusive author J.D.Salinger.

If there is one book that could change the way you think about those kids, teenagers and what becomes of them in adulthood it is 'Catcher in the Rye'. The book is a must read for all ages especially any teenager confused about the workings of the world around them.
Salinger tells the tale in unique words of Holden who learns about the world as he comes to NY from his boarding school after he has failed again from yet another educational institution. He has promised to 'apply himself' so many times that you know he has really tried. He smokes and has height and hair of a person older than him. He talks to strangers at the bar, gets a hooker to his room in NY hotel and gets beaten up for being the wise-crack he is.
He can stand up again though. He visits his kid sister without really being home. He doesnot want his parents to worry about him and his grades. He remembers his dead brother and also confides in his sweet kid sister that he will be going away for ever. The kid however with her unconditional love for her brother makes Holden have a change of heart.
Catching innocent children from falling into the 'phoney' world is what he wants to do. He doesn't still know whether he will 'apply himself' next academic year.
Greatest soul transforming book ever to come out.

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- The Catcher In The Rye

- The Catcher In The Rye

- Catcher In The Rye

- The Catcher In The Rye

- The Catcher In The Rye

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