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The Elephant Vanishes : Stories
(Haruki Murakami)

Murakami proves the saying that all great artists can paint smaller masterpieces just as they can create grand works.

This collection of short stories are brilliant little gems that shine with different characters and are very engaging. My favourite would have to be 'The Silence' because its simply close to heart and something you could have experienced, its the most realistic tale in the book. There is a wide range of subjects discussed and the imagination of the author has no limitations.

The other story which I believe has morals as well as imagination is 'The Dancing Dwarf'. These stories tell the tale of ordinary people in unique situations. I was impressed by the originality of all the tales and how it makes the reader stop and ponder and look deep into their own lives.

If you think you would get the answer to all the lives miseries or those especially for lonely young people then you would probably search for it in every Murakami book as I do. Other stories that haunted me were 'Sleep' and 'On seeing the 100% perfect girl one beautiful April morning'. Also worth re-reading were 'The Last Lawn of the afternoon' and 'The Elephant Vanishes'

Just how crazy it is to get into these tales, you ask ? Well for instance, in 'The Dancing Dwarf', the protagonist works at a factory that makes five elephants from one elephant, they "reconstitute them(elephants)" and in 'The Elephant Vanishes' an elephant chained and locked up vanishes with his old keeper as if they had dissolved out of the enclosure into thin air.

Each of the stories are so impressive in its creativity and style that I am waiting for another short story collection of his.

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