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1. powerful Mind Expansionowerful Mind

Mysterious One-Celled Bacteria discovered to work with magnetic fields. Unique Magnetic Properties have been found in the cell and brain tissues of all animals including humans, explaining Extraordinary Animal Sixth Sense. Micro-sized One-cell Bacteria These micro-sized, one-cell bacteria, beat humans to the discovery of the magnetic compass by billions of years! Since that time intrigued scientists have discovered micro-bits of magnetite inside many animals such as Dolphins, Sea Turtles, Salmon, Butterflies, Whales, Honeybees, Homing pigeons and a host of others! Whales will migrate over 3,500 miles. Butterflies migrate over 2,796 miles. That distance is roughly 150,000,000 times the average butterfly's body length of 3 centimeters. All of these migratory species demonstrate a mysterious sensory that accurately guides and informs them and they all have magnetite in common. An article written in 1982 for Science titled- Magnetic Navigation, an Attractive Possibility. Detailed how microscopic examination of the magnetite crystals revealed in nervous system tissue! Animals use magnetite to read and plug into Earths magnetic fields. With intelligence far below human standards they are able to perform feats practically impossible for any human to perform without the aid of technology.
2. What Would Happen? What would happen if you took a human, with an advanced intelligence compared to animals, and gave them the ability to plug into Earths complex magnetic fields? In 1992 up to 100 million magnetite crystals per gram of tissue were discovered in the human brain! Scientists have noted that the presence of this material in human brain tissue does allow for the theoretical possibility for us to interact with magnetic fields using the central nervous system. Humans do not have equal amounts of magnetic material in their brains. This may explain why some people appear to have higher levels of mind-traits such as intelligence, sensory, awareness, stamina, and intuition almost naturally. Magnetism is one of the most pervasive features of the Universe, with planets, stars and entire galaxies all having associated magnetic fields. It is now possible to tap into a unifying universal force! The potential of this amazing discovery and the realization that we are now able to safely introduce it to our bodies ecosystem creates stunning possibilities to its true application and how it will possibly quantum leap humankind.

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