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Pride Goes Before A Fall


In the village of Pataliputra there lived a dhobi- the washer man. He had a donkey to help in his work. Every day he would load his donkey with a heavy bundle of dirty linen and take it to the riverside to wash. In the evening he would reload the donkey with all the washed and dried linen and take it back home.
Though he put the donkey to a lot of work, the washer man did not give it enough food. He was very cruel to the donkey. The poor creature became very weak. It reduced to mere skin and bones. The animal?s poor condition did not move the heart of the washer man. Instead he drove the donkey out of the house every night so that he needn?t feed it.
One night the donkey met a fox who was also going around in search of food. That was a beginning of a great friendship. Every night the cunning fox and the silly donkey wandered around the field to fill their stomach.
After a few days of intimacy the donkey behaved in strange manner. One night after a hearty supper from a nearby farm the donkey felt very happy. His heart overflowed with joy. He started singing loudly in his rough voice. The fox at once tried to stop the singing. He advised his friend donkey not to sing. The fox told the donkey that his voice was not sweet. He also said that the ass?s braying may attract the attention of the master of that farm and if he finds them he would beat them black and blew.
The silly ass laughed at the fox by calling him as a coward. The ass said that the fox did not have any courage. It wondered what the master of the farm could do. He felt that the master may like his singing while his heart may overflow with joy.
The fox said that the ass was wrong because his voice was far from being sweet because his singing was out of tune. He shouted at the ass asking him to stop his singing.
The ass asked the fox whether he was teaching him the music. He asked how many concerts the fox had attended. He geared at him saying that he did not know anything about the music and that he did not belong to the family of the musicians. The ass blmed the fox for not encouraging him to sing. He continued to sing.
The fox warned the ass by reminding him that the master may wake up against his singing and he may chase them out of the farm.
The ass called the fox as stupid. He laughed against the fox saying that he knew nothing about the music. He continued singing to his heart?s content. When the ass continued braying the fox tried to stop him and threatened him to leave in order not to get the beatings from his master. He left the ass alone to sing and went outside of the farm. He invited the ass to come and join him after he finished singing. The donkey in its gruff voice brayed loudly.
The owner of the farm heard the donkey braying. He rushed to the farm along with his neighbours. They showered bows on the donkey. They tied it to a tree. When the farmer and the neighbours returned to their houses the fox came back to the donkey. He congratulated the donkey on his high performance by remarking that the ass?s admirers have given him a wonderful reward.
The donkey was in tears.. He said that he was feeling ashamed for not listening to his friend?s advice because of his pride. It justified its punishment. It said the in future it would always listen to the good words of his friends.

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