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Point Blanc
(Anthony Horowits)

Point Blanc

Alex Rider finds a drug dealer and follows him. When they get to his house Alex decides he will lift it into the police station with a crane. But when Alex has it hooked it, it smacks into a block of flats. It was a miracle that everyone survived.

When Alex finds himself next to Alan Blunt [head of MI6] Alex wonders why he is here. Then he is asked to go to a school in the French Alps that is for boys who behave very badly. Alex was spending a week with the friend family. Under a false identity, Alex friend.

On the fifth day Alex goes out with his pretend sister on horses. When their coming back the sister says ther is a short cut. She says it?s into the train tunnel. Alex almost got killed as a virgin train zoomed into the tunnel. Alex escaped just but landed in a pond! He said he?d rather kiss the horse.

Alex is given gadgets and then is taken by helicopter to a hotel and then the French Alps [Point Blanc]. When they get to the hotel Alex is drugged then searched.

Alex is taken to Point Blanc, he finds one friend James. But all the others seem to be dull. James had been there six weeks and they had not taught him anything. All the others had been ther three months.

Alex is always on the first floor there is no lift and when he tries to get in to the Second floor an a alarm goes of. James says he is going to escape.

The next day James wants to go to lessons. Alex is startled but goes exploring. He goes up the chimney and gets onto the second floor. But everything is the same except there is a TV screen monitoring everything down stairs. But why have a replica of everything down stairs, then someone gets shot by doctor Grief [the headmaster] and presses a button to a secret lift.

Alex got a shower as he was covered in soot, if there was nothing except replicas to rooms upstairs then there must be something underground [as he had seen ground floor in the secret lift]. The next day Alex went down to the ground floor and saw that every single person was there, that was why James and the others had been so dull.

He alerted MI6 but then he was caught. Dr Grief told him that he had clowned himself 16 times and they had taken over the places of the children.

Alex was locked up on a steel door but he explodes it with a gadget and skied down a sloop. When they saw he was gone they tracked him down on snowmobiles then hunt him down. But Alex somehow manages to escape and goes to hospital.

MI6 fight and kill everybody in Point Blanc. After them thinking Alex Rider was dead. Alex says he?ll never work for MI6 again

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