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Moll Flanders
(Daniel Defoe)

In this story of a woman born in mucky seventeenth century London the idea of the prostitute was much applauded in our society:

abandoned at six months old, Moll has no option but to use wit and expertise in the interests of survival!

Her options are limited and she embarks on a career of incest, bigamy and crime: Five times married, unlike the writer and poet: I am married only once and in communion with the Church of Rome : THE CATHOLIC CHURCH: Moll's voice speaks to us across the barricades and with shocking realism:

Daniel Defoe: (1660-1731): was a merchant, economist, journalist and spy before writing his first novel at the age of sixty: indeed, Defoe was the same age as I am now: as BOB is my uncle and the world has a turning point that meets my needs inexorably and unquestionably!! MOLL FLANDERS is a great novel!

Defore is thought to be the first true novelist of the English Language: Myself I am an expert of 25 years in English Language and Literature: and in this wide compass of culture I include :

Continental jumping: Across EUROPE and AMERICA!

I leave nothing to the imagination like Daniel Defoe!

Christened simply: Daniel Foe - the author was born in London (I was born in Ireland!): he was the son of a tallow-chandler: His childhood - like London's Lord Mayor Ken Livingstone - saw many changes
including the Plague and the Great Fire of 1666! My own house was burnt down by intruders and never a penny was paid upfront by the British Government: I await the same amount of compensation money of ¢55,000. from the said Authority in England as soon as possible: I wish to move to Spain and thereto
buy a property and reside there permanently as a poet and writer for a fee!

Defoe single-handedly, wrote and produced: THE REVIEW , a pro-governnment paper. thoughout his life he enjoyed role playing (like myself I am a Drama Lecturer of 25 years standing!!):

Using to great effect the notion of /spy/ and his writing adopted a pseudonym or another view for rhetorial effect: Defoe's first novel: ROBINSON CRUSOE was not published until:


So there is hope for us yet as writers of fiction and poetry and of course novel writing full time for a fee:

I recommend MOLL FLANDERS: by Daniel Defoe: its an exciting and engaging /read/
and to be recommended on the Examination Board and at the Seminar Programme Location without any further hestitation or doubt - in relation to the place of English Fiction by this writer!

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- Daniel Defoe – Escritor Inglês (vida E Obra)

- Moll Flanders

- Robinson Crusoe

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- The First Great English Poet

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