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Environmental Ethics
(Andrew light and Holmes)

Environmental Ethics is a new field of Philosophy. It is concerned with the Applied ethics. It describes about the values related to both human beings and the nature. It is recognized as the part of the philosophy. This book explains about the over view of Environmental ethics. Nature includes human beings, plants, trees, habits and all other living creatures starting form unicellular to the multi-cellular. They have their natural right of surviving in the universe. It explains about the ethics in respect of nature. The modern culture and urbanization, affects the balance of eco-system. It emphasizes the moral concern on the endangered species and preservation of the degraded environment. It analyses the short comings of the vision of the public environmental philosophy. This acts as a guide for the environmental activists in relation to the ethical justification of animals and eco-systems. It is considered as a general tool for the policy makers in helping them to shape more environmental policies. It acts as a role model in the field of applied ethics. It attempted to expand the moral obligation beyond the traditional human-centered (anthropocentric) moral concerns. It tries to serve all purposes of man. It suggested the concept of environmental pragmatism. Finally, it high lightens the principle of non-human centered or eco-centric value of nature, it?s preservation and restoration.

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