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(Umberto Eco)

Baudolino is a compulsive lier. He likes to "bend" the truth, and will skillfully incorporate fantasy into reality until one cannot tell where the dreams starts and ends...
Baudolino's tale begins when he is just a boy. His story telling sees him accompanying the Holy Roman Emperor to battle, and later becoming the Emperor's adoptive son. He leaves his mother and father, simple farming folk, and becomes a man of learning. And of great fantasy. While studying in Paris, he meets others who share similar dreams of faraway lands and holy treasures. And the tale is spun of how he and his friends set out to find the magnificent palace of the disciple John- a palace whose existence is doubtful to all but this small group of dreamers. As he recounts the tale, mythical creatures come to life and impossible things happen.

All in all an excellent read, if you can get through it all. Rarely will you find a dull moment, however, as with all Umberto Eco's books, it can get a bit intellectual. Enjoy!

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