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Veronica Decides To Die
(Paulo coehlo)

An abstract on Veronica decides to die
This is an extremely emotive
story by Paulo coehlo. It's a story about a young lady is called
Veronica, this lady is rather tired and exhausted by her tedious
day-to-day activities she that performed, it's
a story about how her opinion about life changes as the times pass...At
first, she could even envision herself after a long period of time -
She would still be the same Veronica, everyday she would get up to do
the same job, have something to eat for lunch ( while sitting at the
same bench that she always sat on) in order to survive other thousand
similar days.One day, Veronica decides to die but
is almost unsuccessful. She is admitted in a mental hospital where she
is told that she has about a week to live. You might think she'll be
happy to hear this, however, the desire to live which was within her
appears in her mind, heart and hauts her. The helpness girl tries to
make the desire fade away but she can't. She never imagined spending
her last days in a mental hospital... The longing to live increases as
her heart grows weaker by the second...She would play the piano as she
waited for death to come and take her away from this insanity. She had
made friends and often thought about them to prevent herself from
wanting to live again ( this is the most emotional part of the story
- dying person wanting to live life normally but can't). As we go
towards the end - the end of life. She realises that she was the one
who did this to herself, she must face the consequences now...

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- Veronica Decides To Die (veronica Decide Morrer )

- Veronica Decides To Die

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- Veronika Decides To Die

Passei.com.br | Biografias


