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The Lord Of The Rings (the Two Towers)
(JRR Tolkien)

On the first part of The Fellowship of the Rings it was Gandalf who found out that Frodo has the ring that rules all the rings of power. The fellowship was formed to accompany Frodo, the hobbit with his servant Sam composed of Boromir, Aragorn, Legolas, the elf, Gimli, the dwarf, the two hobbits Meriadoc or Merry and Peregrin or Pippin with their leader Gandalf, the Grey. Boromir perished because he tried to steal the ring near the Mines of Moria. Merry and Pippin were surrounded after by a company of orcs and they were held captive. After the orcs had a bit of disagreement and were fighting and quarelling with one another, they had a chance to escape by tricking their guard. Gandalf was overpowered by underworld spirits and disappeared into the abyss but would reincarnate again with more powers to subdue Saruman. So they were led by Aragorn down to the river Anduin. Meanwhile Merry and Pippin stumbled into the mysterious world of the forest and found Treebeard, the leader of the giant walking trees. He assembled all the giant living trees and led them into the stronghold and headquarters of Saruman. Gandalf came back as the white rider and they thought he was Saruman. He was riding a horse called Shadowfax and it was lent to him by Theoden the king of the Golden Hall. With the magic of his staff he was able to make the king younger again and help him lead his slodiers into Saruman's territory. After Treebeard and company thrashed his stronghold, he hid in his tower and would not come out. Gandalf was able to subdue him and became more superior in power than him. Theoden then has gifted Shadowfax to Gandalf as a token of his appreciation. Meanwhile Frodo and Sam were able to flee when they were attacked by orcs who joined with Saruman. Along the way they met a froglike creature called Gollum or Smeagol who tried to attack them to get the ring but they were able to subdue him. In return for his freedom, he promised to help them find the way. Along the way they met the company of Faramir and his soldiers. Faramir took them to his secret hideaway without Gollum who wandered around by blindfolding them. Faramir later discovered that Smeagol followed them. They would have killed him if not for Frodo who promised to rein him in. Faramir discouraged Frodo to follow Smeagol as he sensed that he will trick them but Frodo has no other way of reaching his destination. So they parted company with Faramir who gave them provisions for the journey. Gollum or Smeagol led them to the secret passage called Cirith Ungol. Frodo did not know that he was actually leading them to their death as he promised them to Shelob when they pass by Shelob's Lair. Shelob was a giant man-eating spider with a poisonous sting and stinks like hell. Frodo was stung by Shelob and he appeared dead. Sam did not want to abandon him but the orcs have discovered them so he took the ring from his master and hid somewhere. The orcs have seen the body of Frodo and they carried him into their den with Sam helplessly just looking and cannot do anything to stop them. Now he heard that Frodo was not actually dead but would wake up in a few hours as the other victims were and they have taken him captive with Sam left and locked outside. This is the end of the second part of the story.

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- The Two Towers

- The Lord Of The Rings Part One The Fellowship Of The Rings

- The Lord Of The Rings Part One The Fellowship Of The Rings

- The Lord Of The Rings: The Two Towers

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