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Adian Mole And The Weapons Of Mass Destruction
(Sue Townsend)

Another Hilarious book about Adrian Mole this is the seventh book in the series; Adrian is nearly thirty five years old, he lives at his parents house. He works at an antiquarian book shop, that is run by a man named Mr Carlton-Hayes who is married to someone named leslie and Adrian doesn't if it's male or female. While working at the shop he meets Marigold Flowers who turns out to be wierd they start to go out together. He meets her family who are also just as wierd except for one, her sister Daisy who is half mexican and has dark hair and olive skin. He starts an affair with Daisy while he's with Marigold. He moves into a renovated loft apartment at rat wharf over looking a canal, where a duck Adrian names gielgud starts to annoy him. His parents sell their house and buy some pigsties they are going to renovate into houses so they can live in one and let the other. His son Glenn is in the army and has to go fight the war in iraq, Where is friend Robbie is killed. Adrian's youngest son William lives in nigeria with his mum Jo Jo and his stepfather Wole who William wants to be named after, Adrian thinks William will get fed up of his name as he will be called Wole Mole. He begins to get fed up of Marigold and tries to break up with her, but then she tells him she's having a baby who she wants to call grace which turns out to be untrue. Nigel his friend goes blind, hes in drownding in debt and he cant get a celebrity to talk at his writers circle christmas dinner. Sue Townsend is a brilliant writer, you actually feel sorry for Adrian

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