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How To Write For Making Living?

How to write for making living?

Many people think that writing is a tough job. It is yes, if you do
not know how to do it properly. But I may be able to provide you
suggestion to make writing enjoyable and profitable. Please read
following tips. *Write the samples for websites, many small businessmen need help publishing online.
*Write guidebook
*Write ad sample, select the best one and send it to companies who need advertisement.
*Write blurb less than 100 words, send it to editors
*Reprint your published materials
*Call the editors what they need to write
*Marketing your skills, in case the busy writer need your hand.
*Write press releases for anyone's need
*Write proposal for potential investors
*Build networking as wide as possible
*Polish what you have written; always try to be good enough
*The more you read, the easier you write
*It is never too late to learn
*Pay attention to words, try to use them wisely
*Be ready to show up what is your strength

Do you need know more? Please let me know.

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