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End The Bible Had Reason...
(Werner Keller)

The workmanship is presented inside of an archaeological character and has for purpose to explain, amongst the most varied stories of the Bible, the occurred miracles, as much those mentioned in the Old Will, as in the New Will, such as: the Dilúvio, the Exodus, Jose of Egypt, the life and death of Jesus, João Baptist, the Apóstolos etc. Through a deep study of research the author tells such facts proving that really they had occurred, but of the form as is displayed in the texts of the Bible, but that perfectly the indications are not found that had guided to those writers to the conclusion of the Biblical tickets. The arguments parts of the most varied types, want either of the places visited for the author, who either for the searches effected in the ruins and also by means of the joined historical remaining portions, identifying the innumerable existing regions at the time, with some illustrations of maps with landmarks of cities and old towns, demonstrating in a in such a way complex language one that really the Bible had reason.

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