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The Alchemist
(Paulo Coelho)

The Alchemist  
The Alchemist, already is a classic of Brazilian literature, according to critical. it is a fascinating book, he tells The adventure of a young shepherd who has a dream repeated times and leaves in search of the filosofal rock.
The workmanship is a life lesson, of simplicity  and fight for an ideal. Larded of citations of philosophers and famous thinkers, Pablo Coelho discloses his original in his beautiful literary style, of easy access.

Certain night, Santiago, a young shepherd, have a repeated dream. It speaks of an occult treasure, kept in the Pyramids of Egypt. The youngster decides to abandon its flock and to follow his dream, and confrots itself with the great mysteries that follow the Man since the start of the times. The signals of God, the Personal Legend that each one of us needs to live. The mysterious Soul of the World, where any person can penetrate to hear the proper heart. 

Considered one of the more private arts oldest and of the Humanity, the Alchemy is boarded for the first time in a direct and simple language. Throughout the Santiago passage it will go to confrot itself with different personages, as for example, the old the crystal king, merchant, the English, the Alchemist and a woman, Fátima, for who if it gets passionate of truth.
During the day, the young shepherd goes taking knowledge of the great mysteries that follow the Man since the starts of the times. There the process of its self-knowledge starts.  

After many difficulties and peripécias, Santiago understands that the treasure that as much looks for if finds in proper Spain, in mounts of Andalusia, where it always lives. Why in the truth the treasure biggest that he obtained in this walked not was material, more yes everything that learned, conquered and felt during this trip, in search of his treasure. 


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