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Pink Manifesto Cruz

Rosacruz utopia God of all the human beings, God of all life. in the humanity of whom we dream. The politicians are deeply humanists and work the service of the common good. The economists generate the finances of the States with discernment and in the interest of all. The scholars are espiritualistas and search its inspiration in the Book of the Nature. The artist is inspired and expresses in its workmanships the beauty and the pureness of the Plan The holy ghost. The doctors are motivated by the love to the next one and take care of in such a way of the souls how much of the bodies. Poverty does not have more misery nor, therefore each one has that of that it needs to live happy. The work more is not lived deeply as a coercion, but as a source of unclasping and welfare. The nature is considered as most beautiful of the temples and animals as our brothers in evolution way. It has a world-wide Government, formed for the controllers of all the nations, working in the interest of all the humanity. The espiritualidade is an ideal and a way of life that has its source in a universal religion, based more in the knowledge of the divine laws of what in the belief in God. The relations human beings are established in the love, the friendship and the fraternity, in way that the entire world lives in peace and harmony. Thus either. Vitor Santos is writer and author of some articles [email protected] Manifesto - Positio Fraternitatis Rosae Crucis - www.amorc.org.br

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