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The Analyst
(John Katzenbach)

Dr. Starks, a psychoanalyst with a secure, peaceful and boring life received a letter in his 53th birthday that change his life forever.  In 15 days he sees how his monotonous life become a whirlwind of events which destroyed his profesional reputation, economic stability and his own identity, forcing to feign a suicide to escape from his persecutors.  With a new identity, the game changed and his persecutors become followed and investigated until Dr. Starks discovered the origen of the macabre revenge.
Eventhought the novel is a little slow anf boring at the beginning, as far as we continue with the trama, the dynamic of the story catch the attention of the reader.  It is a mix of conspiracy, intrige, thriller and psichology for beginners.

Resumos Relacionados

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