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Your One Million Capacity Edifice
(Okoh Kalu)

Morris Miller a New York architectural genius drew the map of a one million capacity football stadium, completely roofed, standing without a single pillar. It was to be built on the Atlantic waters of the United States of America. Every construction company had thought it an impossible dream and a mere fantasy.

Morris Miller not fatter nor taller than other architectures in appearance was determined to make it real. Shortly before starting off the monument, in the early hours of 1st June 1998,he assembled his men in a circum-meeting. Standing in their midst he said, "we are about building a one million capacity football stadium edifice without a single pillar right on the stormy Atlantic waters, Right? Everyone nodded in yes response. Then he said, "very good. We are here to plan and understand
how we can erect this edifice. It is one thing to draw a map; it is another thing to walk through it to your destination. Now how many of you will be ready to stand in the building all their life and hold each angle of the edifice with their two hands so that it would not at any
time collapse after it?s built? None responded to his question.Everyone sat speechless with arms folded. They thought huh! That sounds crazy. David Scot, the chief of the electronics department stood up and said, "Sir I had thought with you that this is possible with all the tools we have got but, um! Right now I can?t imagine the possibility of making this a reality. I think we still lack some necessary tools which I can?t understand what they are and where we can get them because this kind of edifice has not been built anywhere in the world.

Miller said, "alright here is the cue then he climbed an elevator hanging 9 foot above the floor right in the middle of the circum-seated crew and stood on it map in his hand. Now I want everyone to look on me,"he said. He got all eyes focused on him. He said, "as you are all steadfastly looking and focusing on me with oneness and singleness of
purpose that is how we can do it. Do you know what? The greatest and most important tool we need is SINGLENESS OF PURPOSE IN ALL BY MAINTAINING ONE POSITIVE LANGUAGE AND SPEECH.

The one million capacity edifices can be built or achieved in the mind and mental power first. This is how it works; each of us must have an exact picture of the edifice just as it is in the other person?s mind. We all must have the one-single picture of it as in the other person?s mind and also have it built first in our mindset. Your power to contain, experience and produce this is in your mindset. It?s not in the material resources we had. Having understood that our one million capacity edifices are in our mind and mental power. Now that power can be realized by focusing your minds on achieving a single purpose through the use of one language and speech because it has been discovered that two or three or more people who speaks one language with one speech are prone to agree in one thing and respond almost in some particular way to produce a desired result in the reality. Our ability to maintain one language and speech in one mind will unite our mind and
mental power to agree in one thing and achieve the impossible. This is the The Greatest Secret of success and your undiscovered capacity for greatnesss

Speak one language even on the stormy Atlantic waters. Maintain one speech even when you face the biggest odds. Understand that the effectiveness of your speech and language is in your mind or mental power. It comes from your mind and can produce an outstanding result. Maintain a positive language and speech because your language and speech predicts your response and outcome of your works. Therefore with oneness and singleness of purpose we can build empire of choice and reach the sky.

After Morris Miller?s words they all stood and read the drawing of the edifice from an electronic visual on the wall. The height of the edifice read 15,500 foot high from the bottom to the peak. On the outward appearance it has a ship-like-structure with a magnificently laid 1000-foot tower on its top pointing to the sky. On the inside, it
has circum-shape of a half moon, the roof; dark colored being designed with glittering lights like galaxy- of-stars with a light like crescent moon on its center.

It was on the next day after the crew?s meeting when they started the erection of the edifice. They read the landscape. The bricks were carefully laid. The workmen were divided in groups of fifties and units of ten. They adherently focused from each stage of the building to the
other till the completion of the whole drawing on the map. It was completed according to the plan and drawing.

They gracefully laid ''one million capacity edifice'' was to be officially lauched and celebrated about 31 days after its completion. Schwartz Brian the states spokes man for the opening ceremony stood on the ground floor of the edifice and stared open-mouthed with arms akimbo. What a monumentpiece of architectural excellent? Morris how did you do it, "He said.

Then afterwards, Morris Miller was to deliver a speech about the How?s and Wonders of the pretty laid edifice. He said, "all things are possible and success can be achieved only by two or three or more people who has the mental power to receive a vision, contain their vision,produce their vision and experience its reality. This is a mindset
edifice, pretty laid in the mind in one language and one speech before it?s erection. Call on us on the next seven years we would build you another edifice exactly like this. To do this you must carefully note the following and work through it.

<1> Build an edifice of your vision by maintaining a positive mindset.

<2> Maintaining your singleness of purpose in one language and speech in your mindset.

<3> Build self-confidence in "impossible" situations by looking beyond problems by focusing on solutions and opportunities.

<4> Achieve your goals sooner-by turning your dreams and visions into crystal-clear future expectations.

<5> Remain focused on top priorities-by concentrating your strengths and time on what's most important and rewarding.

<6> Improve your ability to manage by getting ride of Distractions,Interruptions and less important issues.

<7> Create a powerful force-multipliers-by harnessing your leadership and team building skills.

For contracts;publishing contracts and movie rights of the full book copy of this abstract then talk with author of, "YOUR ONE MILLION CAPACITY EDIFICE...'' here [email protected] and [email protected].

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