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Harry Potter And The Half Blood Prince
(J. K. Rowling)

The lateset in the phenomenal series of wizarding genius sees the sixth
year of hogwarts for 16 year old Harry Potter, and his friends Ron
weasley and Hermione Granger.The return of ''he who must not be named''
Lord Voldemort, has Harry and his friends on edge, and what is left of
the order of the pheonix is struggling to convince the Ministry of
magic that the events that have occurred ever since the Triwizard
Tournament in ''Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire'' are a direct result
of the return of Harry''s arch nemesis. This dark time has Proffessor
Dumbledore, Headmaster of Hogwarts School of Wizardry, at wits end as
he attemps to teach Harry all that he can find out about Lord
Voldemort. Where he came from? How he came to be? This information will
be integral in defeating the evil Lord. In addition to these trying
worries on Harry''s shoulders, he contends with the struggle of lessons
and homework, although his most hated subject, Potions, takes a
surprising turn. Not only is the Proffesor more agreeable and
encouraging but fate, as it seems, deals Harry a generous hand as he
discovers copy of one of this years text book with notes written by the
hand of the Half Blood Prince, but who is this mysterious character!
And can he really help Harry!This is truely the Darkest of the series
by J K Rowling. Delving deep into the very soul, that is Lord
Voldemort. This volume sees the tragic end of some of the best loved
characters that have followed Harry thoughout his life. Just when you
thought that no more tragedy could possibly happen to Harry, more
comes. He knows that he must be the one to destroy Voldemort. The extra
lessons from Dumbledore see to it that Harry is armed with as much
knowledge of his enemy as his enemy has on him. Also we see the
blossoming relationship between Harry and his best friend Ron''s little
sister Ginny. But dispite this small piece of happiness, Harry has very
little to look forward to, knowing what he now must do alone!

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