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In Harmony With The Infinite
(Waldo Trine)

In Harmony with the Infinite by the famous writer Waldo Trine, is absolutely the classic one in its genre, written with an admirable simplicity, even in treating such complex and polemical topics as: 1.-The supreme cause of the universe, 2.-The cardinal object of the human life, 3.-The secret, the force and the effects of the love, 4.-Knowledge and interior illumination, 5.-Prophets, clairvoyants, wise persons and redeemers and 6.-Fundamental Beginning of all the religions The Universal Religion, among others. It is a book written in such a way that while reading it, time slips away unnoticed by the reader, who reads it with great delight and avidity. On having penetrated into the work, one immediately perceives that Trine shows us how everything in the universe is enchained: the religions of the world interweave the doctrines of philosophers, prophets, the chosen ones and the wise ones, quite subordinated to the control of sources and universal laws; the same chain connects the lives of all those that want to change their existence through certain metamorphoses. Solely to quote a few observations that are a part of the philosophy of the author in this work, we will mention the following ones: ?Forces are the thoughts and every thing generates and attracts a similar one. The one who can dominate his thoughts will govern also his conduct.? ?The intuition is a spiritual sense that opens inward, since the corporal senses are opened outwards, and it has the faculty to know the truth, independent of any external origin of information.? ?There is no contagion more intense than that of the example. It gathers what is sown and every seed produces the same fruits. Not only can we kill our neighbor by hurting him in his body, but with aggressive thoughts; but by the step by which we kill him, we commit suicide.? In Harmony with the Infinite also shows the crisis of man that appears with respect to the different religions, in which each and every one thinks that they are the sole proprietors and absolute holders of the truth and of God, to the detriment of the rest of the humanity who does not profess that creed or who simply does not think as he does. ?Christ is an archetype of the universal idea. It was absolutely universal, and this way, it did not teach for his time only, but for all times." "This is the basic beginning of the universal religion that all can accept. This is the cardinal and permanent truth: there is only one religion, the religion of the living God.? ?The pure man respects all the forms of faith.? In Harmony with the Infinite is a definitively encouraging and suggestive work, worth being read and analyzed in depth and with thoroughness. With great tolerance and comprehension, it leads us to knowing the attitudes and possibilities of man in the face of facts and universal laws, to learning in and about different particular forms of religion, and to recognizing the need that humanity has to achieve great benefit in life and the find the meaning of the truth and of faith. If you have not read a good book lately, especially one that leads to the task of a few good moments of meditation, then ? you have to read this volume.

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