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A Simple Wish
(ashley myers)

we sit together arm in arm, you whisper a promise to potect me from all harm. i say " don''t ever let this end." as you wrap your arms around me and say" your wish is my command." you took me everywhere, i didn''t miss a thing. you even went as far as to give me your class ring. you always treated me like a queen.  how much love i have for youyou haven''t seen. as father time passes us silently by. you become sick and don''t seem to understand why. at the thought of loosing you all i can do is cry. your side i wil always be by. i look into your eyes and see there is nothing left. in a heart beat i would give my life for yours. but all i can do is waite in these long hours. the doctor wakes me and tells me its time. i sit there with you hand in hand. you make me poromise not to forget you. my eyes fill with tears as i whisper " your wish is my command."

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