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Jane Eyre
(Charlotte Bronte)

Jane Eyre. A classic written by Charlotte Bronte, is a very emotional story of a girl, who lives in a condition of pity till the day she finds total happiness. It is said that it is Charlotte''s own story. Charlotte was sent to a boarding school with her sisters in her
childhood like Jane Eyre was and the place was in a disastrous condition just like in the story. The story is very beautifully written. It makes the reader feel every single thing happening in it.
A must-read for a Classic-lover or for readers of Charlotte Bronte, or even for those who enjoy reading books. :-)
The first time I read the book, it had me crying like a baby! I''ve only read the abridged version, wonder what will happen if I read the unabridged one. It''s truly sweet. How a girl makes her name, how she struggles, how she goes through losing her ONLY friend so bravely. It''s a wonderful story, and if you ask me, frankly, I learnt to live in a different way after I read it...

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- Jane Eyre

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