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The Bourne Legacy
(Eric Van Lustbader)

    This is a story that I have huge expectations from. After seeing the
Bourne Ultimatum, and seeing that this was the story that comes after
it, I just couldn''t hold it in that I purchased a copy based on how good the original Bourne trilogy by Robert Ludlum was. So,
I picked it up from National Bookstore chains here in the Philippines>. I figured I''ll have the time to read
it since my schedule until the end of the month will be so light, I''d
need something to read to pass my time and this would fit the bill
nicely.     The story picks up after the conclusion of the Bourne
Ultimatum, after Jason Bourne has left his previous life as an assassin
for one of the governments undercover programs. He now has a new
family, with two children and he is a Georgetown professor living the
quiet life. All was going quite normally until a hired assassin
attempts to take his life in the university but fails. He tries to
trace the person who tried to kill him. He sought the help of his
mentor Alexander Conklin, only to find him dead with Dr. Morris Panov,
the doctor who helped him overcome the Bourne personality that he''s
harbored in the three years he was under Project Blackbriar. After he
found the discovery of the two men''s inexplicable deaths, the police
come in and he gets framed for the murders he didn''t commit.From
there, Bourne runs away and tries to find the person responsible for
the murders of two of his closest associates. Along the way, he gets
into an even more complex puzzle of conspiracies which lead to an even
bigger picture. Will Jason Bourne be able to go to the bottom of the
whole mystery, or will he succumb to the treacherous arms of the people
that seek his downfall? Now, I found the book really engaging,
and it was a nice read for me, that it took me roughly 4 days to read
the whole 500+ pages, but some of the items and plots in the story are
a bit implausible. Based on the circumstances highlighted in the story
, Bourne should be at his early sixties
when the story took place, and for him to survive severe injuries and
the kind of punishment his body took, is just impossible. There was
also a flashback part wherein he was reminded of his first family in
Phnom Penh who died due to a stray airplane. According to the story, he
buried three coffins without look to see if their bodies were there. It is entirely possible, but highly unlikely in my opinion.It
was a nice read, but it didn''t exactly sit in with the trilogy which
had preceded it, and the death of Alex Conklin and Mo Panov at the very
start of the novel really dragged it a bit in terms of storyline. I''ll
give it a 3 of 5.

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