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The Little Prince
(Antoine de Saint Exupery)

The Story of The little Prince begins with a young boy who drew a boa constrictor that had eaten a whole elephant showing his drawing to adults. The drawing, as seen in the eyes of the adults, looked more like a hat than a boa constrictor. This disappointed the boy. He then drew, for the sake of the adults, the boa constrictor showing the whole elephant inside it had eaten inside it. The adults showed no enthusiasm and interest just the same and advised him against drawing strange things and just devote himself to other fields of study. And so he ended up being a pilot.
The pilot had a plane accident and got stuck in the desert of Sahara. This is the part where he meets the little prince. The little prince?s planet, his stories of characters like the baobabs, the flower, the volcanoes, and the people he got to meet ? the king, the conceited man, the tippler, the businessman, the lamplighter, the old gentleman, their oddities and distinct qualities, and their planets is a beautiful parable of the mankind.
The punch for the reader of this story is the part where he tells the story of his visit to the planet earth. This is both hilarious and brutally true. The little prince tells of how he was amazed to discover that the earth was inhabited by millions of tipplers, geographers, businessmen, conceited men, etc.
The story ends with the little prince leaving and the pilot longing for his return. The story of The Little Prince says a lot about life, love, and humanity. Seeing the truth in the eyes of an innocent child can teach adults a great deal about their lives and the sad way these lives are lived. The sense of truth that is found in the story makes it worth reading and pondering on.

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- Little Prince

- The Little Prince

- The Little Prince

- The Little Prince

- The Little Prince

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