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To Kill A Mockingbird
(Harper Lee)

"To Kill a Mockingbird" is a first-person account of the happenings in a small town called Maycomb in the southern US state of Alabama sometime around the ?30s. The narrator, Jean Louise ?Scout? Finch is a 6-year-old, which brings about a touch of innocence in the perceptions of all the events. This, however, does more to accentuate, than diminish, the magnitude of racial and social discrimination, judicial bias, etc. that one would come across in the book. The fact that the time frame of the entire book is merely one year only adds to the pace. The trial of a black man convicted of raping a white woman forms the crux of the narration. Do not, however, conclude that the trial is everything that the book is about. The trial only serves as an event that brings out the best and worst of all people involved in the plot, and the book is more about Scout?s observations and surmising about these people. Atticus Finch, Scout?s father and defending counsel of Tom Robinson, the rape-accused, stands tall among the characters, while Robert Ewell, the father of Mayella Ewell, the rape-victim, depicts the opposite. Arthur ?Boo? Radley adds mystery to the tale and is a constant source of fascination for Scout, her brother Jem, and their friend Dill. Miss Maudie Atkinson is another remarkable character in the story. Descriptions of the townsfolk?s attendance of the trial, the rabid dog, the fire, Jem?s little adventure at the Radleys?, Scout?s fight with her cousin, the climax, etc are top notch. The plot is woven in a way that keeps the reader hooked till the end. Moreover, one would identify with a few of the thoughts that run through the little narrator's head. So you need not think twice about whether you would find the book interesting or not. Just grab a copy and get started.

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