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Lords And Ladies
(Terry Pretchett)

Another great book by Terry Pratchett. I seem to be saying this quite often, but it is the truth. I have never really red any other author that can capture all the shamelessness, stupidity and cruelty of mankind, and paint them with such fondness, such genuine understanding. Lords and Ladies is a book about glitter. And shine. And about how iron beats them every time. Of course, there are wizards and witches, and a king and queen, the one man army, some elves, some blood and dancing, a unicorn, and a few goods in between, but in the end it all comes down to the basic fight between glitter and iron. And, although glitter may be pretty, an anvil is something you can sit on. Once again Terry Pratchett has managed to capture the difference between how we see things and how they really are. WARNING: There are some disturbing facts of life raped up in this really hilarious book, so if you don't make a serious effort to ignore the obvious, you may end up rethinking your perception of reality.      

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