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Rich Dad Poor Dad Ii -cashlow Quadrant

This is a sequel to Rich Dad Poor Dad 1. It concentrates on
the four quadrants from which people earn income; employees and self-employed
people are on the left side of the quadrant. Business owners and investors on
the right side. If you are planning to be wealthy, you?ll get there through the
right side of the quadrant. Employees spend their after tax money to buy assets
and pay bills hence continue in the rat race. The richer the self-employed
person gets, the harder they have to work as they are part of their business
system and without them the business collapses. Whereas for the business owners
the more money they make the more free time they have as they have formed a
system that works without involving them. They use other people?s time and
other people?s money. Investors use money to make money. They let their money
work for them. One doesn?t need a college education to become a millionaire,
what they need is financial education. Knowing how to read financial statements
and the jargon used in the area they are interested in investing in. there is
no get rich quick scheme. If you want to be wealthy you have to draw up a
financial plan for your life and stick to it. This requires patience and
consistency. Diversification is a play it safe myth. Kiyosaki recommends
putting all your eggs in one basket then watching that basket with all you?ve
got. The reason why most people think that investing is risky is because they
are ignorant of its technicalities. Once you learn the ropes its ?safe?. To
become a successful investor, you must first be a successful business owner. Assets
are anything that puts money in your pocket. Liabilities are anything that
takes money out of your pocket.

Resumos Relacionados

- Cashflow Quadrant---rich Dad?s Guide To Financial Freedom

- Rich Dad Poor Dad

- Guide To Investing

- Rich Dad, Poor Dad

- Rich Dad?s Guide To Investing

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