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The Davinci Code

When you cant beat them join them. Thats the devils trick of deveating people from their God.
Every book is an author''s mind of expressing things. The davinci code is a deceptive work by the devil to attack the word of God. It is a mastery,crafty and heineous work infusing history with lie. Beware! Ye world. Does anyone know or ever wondered how the bible stands the test of time? It is the only book in the world that can split the body & soul. When anyone comes with a open & true heart and stand before God, repenting his or her sins , God will take care of the rest. Nothing can seperate us from the love of our Heavenly father. No demons nor demonic books. Just a word from Jesus will give you everlasting life.Amidst the ever pacy shrinking world, with high technologies and all techies is there a soul that can prove it wrong. WHy not try! You would be amazed by the fulfilled prophecies and the accuracy of them. When you love God truly then the Da Vinci Code is just crap.

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