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The Bible
(Jesus Christ)

One of the world''s greatest Books known to mankind, is the Holy Bible.
It tells us all that we need to know about the world then and now. In a world such as this,
the Bible is our only source of knowing the plan of the true and living God. Noone can live without Him. Some of us have received Him, while others rejected Him, but He had received all mankind to Himself on that dark and dreary night as He travelled along that lonely road to Calvary, bearing our sins upon His shouders, we are bought with a price, but many of us failed to recognize and to acknowledge this opportunity we have been offered. We ought to read the Bible every day, so that God can lead us away from our sinful nature, to gain a life of joy and happiness. The Bible does so many good things for those who read it on a daily basis; it gives us insights on how to live a healthy lifestyle, it breathe new life into our spiritually dead souls, it teaches us how to love one another, even our worst enemy! it gives us joy untold, peace of mind, and much more. The Bible stands the test of time and it will be forever the Book of all Books. Nothing can compare with this Book because God Himself wrote it by inspired men of old. It can be read in many different languages, therefore we have no excuses for not reading it. I encourage the people of this world both young and old, to know the Bible for themselves, because I know for sure each and everyone of you, will surely find what you have been searching for, something that this world can never give you, nor will be able to offer you. If all of us should hold a Bible in our hands, instead of a weapon, what a different world this would be, no crimes commited, no currruption against each other, but the Word of God MUST come to pass, the Bible fortells all that we see and hear in our world today. We MUST get back to the Bible, in order to prepare ourselves for the return of the Great Authur of this powerful Book, which has come down to us through many generations, who most of them have been long dead, but the Bible still lives on.
Wont you open this Book today, and discover the new life, that have been waiting for you?
Are you battered and bruised by the stormy waves of life? This is the Book for you!
Are you been attacked by the devil every waking moment of your life? This is the Book for you!
Is your heart aching for true love? This is the Book for you!
Let noone steal the joy that this Book has to offer you today, because there may not a tomorrow!
ThE BIBLE, thats the book for ALL!!!!!

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