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Odd Thomas
(Dean Koontz)

Odd Thomas by Dean Koontz:::

Odd Thomas is indeed Odd, as you come to find out within seconds of this page turner of a book. You wonder what weird and unusual thing will happen next::
Moreover, you wonder is Thomas going to be the one to help things get better or let them get much much worse. Thomas brings new meaning to the now well known phrase "I see dead people" Thomas gets to see them all the time. Most every day, his silent and very dead co-star in the wonderful book is none other than Elvis. He shows up at the best and worst times, wearing a variety of clothing and expressions. And just because the dead can be seen and not heard, does not mean that communication is impossible::

There is far more to this book then you could ever imagine, and it is sure to go down at one of Dean Koontz's finest works. If that were not enough, there are two follow up books in the series, Odd Forever and Brother Odd. Thomas remains the main protagonist of these works, but the situations, the danger, and the outright fear does not stop. It will keep you up to the wee hours unable to sleep wondering what will happen next.::: Don't miss this one, now easily found in paperback, though for me it was more than worth the hardback price. Then you will be searching the stores for the next in the series, where the fun does not end it only gets better from here.

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