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The Devil''s Conversion
(Leonid Andreiev)

In an interior chapel, it nailed an old and kind priest. There it also lived a devil of second step, a "little devil." The devil made small cruelties (suggested bad thoughts, left the altar boy with sleep, it dropped the saint), but, after having accomplished the tasks of the day, he liked to sit down in a corner and to hear the sermon. Already tired of devil''s life and of the visits to the hell (where everybody too much lies), he began to want another life. And, from hearing the priest''s sermons, he was interested in the Good. Assuming the human form, the devil introduced to the old priest and he asked that he taught him what the Good is. So that he got to understand, it would be necessary a formula only, including, that explained the kindness once and for all. Already tired of devil''s life and of the visits to the hell (where everybody too much lies), he began to want another life. And, from hearing the priest''s sermons, he was interested in the Good. The priest thought a little and he said that the secret of the Good is the Love. The devil should love the neighbor as to himself. The devil, however, it was not satisfied. He didn''t get to understand what was to love, he ignored that feeling and, like this, it was not him that could turn him good. It would be necessary a practical and simple formula, some general norm of conduct. The priest thought during one week. Then he called the devil again and he said that he had found two practical precepts: "If they ask for your shirt, gives it, although you don''t have other" and "If they give you a slap in the right face, he offers the left" equally. It would be necessary a practical and simple formula, some general norm of conduct. The devil cheered up and he said that would follow those norms for, finally, to be good. Two weeks later, he reappeared all torn and with a brand new shirt. He counted that, first, he entered in a fight. The opponent beat him in several parts of the body, but not in the right face. Him, therefore, hit back. As for the new shirt, the devil had bought it to give to the first that he asked him. However, they asked for him a lot of things (as bread and money), but never the shirt. Like this, he didn''t give anything. To complete, the devil attended a man''s drowning without nor to think in helping him. That because the priest didn''t have him statement that to do in a case of those. The devil, finally, seemed unable to understand what the Good is. The priest still tried another formula: Don''t oppose "you to the Evil." It was also a fiasco. The devil attended while two thieves killed mother and son in a highway and nothing did to help the unhappy ones. Everything understanding literally, he didn''t understand anything. Discouraged, but with compassion for the devil, the priest allowed him to be working at the church. While the devil worked, the priest wrote an endless manuscript, trying to foresee all of the possible situations of the life. The priest''s idea was to give him as a present to the devil before dying. And, like this, the years went passing. One day, the priest already very sick, on bed, was waiting for the death. He called the devil and he gave him the precious manuscript. The text said: You won''t "kill, however if it is necessary, kill; You won''t lie, however, if it?s needed, lie; Give everything to your neighbour, however, sometimes, removes him that possesses..."; and so on, in everything the more. There was not a definitive law. Everything was relative. The devil was very disappointed. Like this, he would never learn what the Good was. Of the bed, the priest tried, for the last time, to look the landscape through a window. The devil had an idea. It carried the old in the arms until the tower of the church. There on the top, the priest had the emotion of seeing, for the last time, the city that he so much loved. With the sunset, the priest''s life extinguished. Desperate, the devil made an effort for wakingready dead. A deep pain took possession of the devil''s soul and, for the first time in life, he cried. When crying, he didn''t understand that, in that instant, it was accomplished the Good, that Good intangible and mysterious, that he had searched with so much enthusiasm and the cost of so many and so big sufferings.

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