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Love Is The Best Thing In Life

hi..i''m a 23yrs old girl,and they always tell me im not supposed to live in this time,i was supposed to live 80-90 years backwards because im a fancy person i''m a very big daydreamer&i fall in love with anything..i think that all of us are angels,i can''t see people''s faults,i can only see the good in them,and so many persons i met in my life i have a great affection for them & i deam about them as an imaginary angels but they truly live inside me,and i write about them &how can love makes us perfect &willing to do anything.somefriend adviced me to write about my feelings and love in articles&she told me i''m very good at this,she really can be in this imaginary world i draw in my writings,so this im farely sure im good at,so if you like i can send you some of my writings

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