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Advices For Good And Succesfull Life
(Ofer Tabian)

*Dont chase dignity 'it may run away
*Be your self' Dont imitate other people, be a model for others
 *Be happy and whealth would come
*Dont jump from one thing to another
*Start with small things the big thing would come later 
*Relate all the positive things in you as steppingstone<*In order to derive the maximum of what you do you got to think positively
*When you are sad you should sing,dance,forgive to other people.
*Give your child good basis for life they would build skyscraper with what you give.
*You can derive the best with something that comes with love and happiness
*Try to get better with what you transmit to the world
*If you are true with yourself,remember,It is important how you feel about yourself and not about what others think.sometimes people cant see the treasure shines inside of you
*Try to invert all compunctions to success and prosperity
*Live your life modestly inside and outside yourself.If you run away from dignity it will pursuer you
*respect people .
*Always use your brain
*When person resigned his dreams he resigned part of hisself
*Dont wait for something to happend do it yourself
*Believe in god ,and that he helps everyone who helps hisself *

to be continued............................................ 

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