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Ethics For Today

                                 The Place of Morality in Contemprorary Society
We are living in a world of  bewildering potentialies in a place of contemprorary society, a struggle for evil and good.
Biological warfare and wars led to the lost generations. Wars emitted feelings of despair and loss.
A high jet plane inscripted on Technology moves fast in the air and a tortoise moving slowly beneath the jet inscripted on Morals. This symbolizes that there is a tremendous progress in technology and decline in Ethics.
Propaganda and Carcature in the television and broadcast tends to minimize the traits of man.
Men should look for his Morals and stress more on his ethical behavior through demolishing of the bad habits which grow out of many cases, an analytical case is the case mentioned above.
Summarized and Abstracted by Shahinaz O.Al ramly

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