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10 Weeks To A Better Marriage
(Randall : Therese Cirnir : Foreword by Larry & Nardis Christenson)

Marriage?.A lot of people ask why they want to get married?
 And there are a lot of reasons why people get married.  Others may say they fell in love or for a fact that everybody just expected we would marry one another.  But for all Christians getting married is one of Christian?s commitments, to live a life of love.  And they have to bring the good news of the gospel of Christ to the world around us.  Specifically, the purpose of Marriage is to create new entity-the family.  Next, is to become committed with each other and to serve God.  And through this they will experience thorough happiness and peace of mind.
There are two kinds of love.  The Eros love and the Agape love.  Eros love or erotic love is the physical attraction experienced between men and women.  And Agape love elsewhere is the love that God has for us and the type of love that we are exhorted to have for one another.
Everybody is wishing for a satisfying and fruitful marriage and the only key is to do what God intended us.  Nothing but to share the kind of love he had for us and that is a Godly way of love.
In business we invest money and make a profit. To make it successful we work as a team.
Just like in marriage husband and wife should work as a team.  Husband stands as the head and his wife his subordinate.  In Christian way husband stands as the Christ and wife is the church and god is the Center.  Therefore, marrying someone is not just fulfilling one?s fantasy.  It has to do with a lot of Agape love and patience.  They need a lot of patience especially in time of difficulties.  Husband and wife should know how to handle every kind of difficulties.  And listening is the best that husband and wife should do.
Listening one?s opinion is reliable.  In addition it builds love.  Husband and wife should be quick to hear, slow to speak and slow to anger.  Otherwise, building a strong relationship cannot be possibly happen.  Most importantly, Since God is the Center of the relationship.  Husband and wife should always say and do well to one another.  And don?t let anyone dim there loyalty to God and to one another.  

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