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Immigration The Easy Way
(Burgess, Susan)

Susan Burgess? Immigration the Easy Way demystifies the naturalization process in the United States by explaining why foreign nationals are attracted by the American Dream in the first place; the basic entry inspection and admission process into the United States; everything foreign nationals ever wanted to know about non-immigrant temporary statuses; immigrant permanent statuses; as well as non-American free trade.  This book presents information, guidance, in addition to sound and solid advice that every foreign natural concerned with the naturalization process would require.  The author happens to be an immigration attorney, and so, the book provides credible information for readers from around the globe.
     Burgess explains the basic requirements for U.S. citizenship, after which she takes her readers step by step through the naturalization process.  She discusses the necessity of filing a petition or application to her readers, and then goes on to describe the forms to be filled out, the fees to pay, and the steps that are involved in filing an application.  The author also describes the follow-up procedure for actually attaining citizenship.  There is nothing that she intends to leave out.
     Other details covered in this book include the criteria and filing information for foreign nationals entering the United States and seeking the status of nonimmigrant, if not an immigrant.  Burgess? book also includes topics such as legal rights, benefits, as well as obligations that apply to temporary and permanent residents of the United States.  Furthermore, the author discusses the grounds and procedures for the deportation of foreign nationals.  A brief review of the history of the nation is included to help prepare the applicants for the mandatory citizenship test as well.

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