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The Flying Cockroach...
(marjory cainglet)

It may be funny for some but my cockroach fright is really serious.

After a long tiresome day in school, I approached the gate in our house. It was already 9 in the evening. Strangely, the lights inside were all off as I peeked at the half- open window. The cold wind was blowing softly at my face. Definitely, nobody''s home.My attention was focused at the pitch dark part of the house. The neighbors seemed asleep. The silence was deafening. "Just like in a horror movie, huh?,"I murmured to myself trying to relieve my rising fear. Then I searched  my pockets for the key and luckily, there it was. I walked to the back door and inserted the key at the keyhole. My heart beat furiously as I gazed at the fluttering leaves of the trees outside.It seemed that it was meant for something, something frightening. Again, I let out a deep breath and tightened my hand on te key. After a number of minutes, I froze on my tracks whne a shadowy figure passed at my back. Instantly, I drew back a step and looked astern. My sweats were rolling down my face in horror.

Click! the lock opened. Frantically, I went inside and opened the light. I sat on the couch and threw my bag at the floor. Whew! I was just fooling myself!

Suddenly, as I walked to the kitchen to get a glass of water, I felt something that came across my sight."Another nonsense!" I tole myself and proceeded to the table. But there was still something on my neck. I raise my hand and touched my neck. There I felt a round- shaped something.. with wings! Then, the horrible realization came in my mind.


I screamed on the top of my voice running all around the house. My hands were eveywhere and I seemed leaping at the fence. I felt my soul fled out of my body.Shortly, the little thing was gone. My neighbors came to see what happened. Ashamed, I told them about the stupid cockcroach. They burst into laughter knowing what I was screaming about.

What a night!

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