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The Secret
(Enquist, Anna)

The Secret is all about the powerful Law of Attraction. If one wants to succeed in life and overcome all obstacles, then ones needs to instill in themselves the positive thoughts. You think positive, talk positive, hear positive, smell positive and feel positive and that''s the way to achieve what you want in life. The universe gives back what we project to it. If you do everything negative then you only get negative feedbacks and spoil your life. Never ever give up hopes on anything. You just have to tell the universe what you want in positive words and believe you have already got it and definetely you will get it. No one can take that away from you. Always be grateful is rule number one to the Law lof Attraction. If you want to attract something then you have to be grateful for whatever you have or grateful for your very existence in this life and even be grateful that you can think positive thoughts. If you are not grateful then whatever you ask for, you will not get. Even when you are in the very last stage of a disease you must smile and be grateful for everything you have in your life. Don''t ever feel sad. Delete the word "sad" from your mind dictionary. Always be happy. Imagine you are in the pinkest of health, laughing, playing, jumping about in joy, going places, being with your loved ones even if they don''t care for you and always visualize that you are receiving positive powers from a hand that reaches down to you.  Yes, just visualize positive thoughts everyday and live in an imaginary world that you already have what you asked for and be grateful. Say the magical word "Thank you" everyday for every little thing even saying it for others (pretending it is coming from their mouth) when they have forgotten it. Just ask once and visualize you'' ve got it and be grateful, that''s the secret to success. 

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