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Veronica Decides To Die (veronica Decide Morrer )
(Paulo Coelho)

Veronica decides to die (Veronika decide morrer)
Veronica, a 24 year old girl with a life anyone would yearn for decides to kill herself. She is pretty, intelligent, job, boyfriends and friends, a loving family and a life to look forward to. She lives in a small European country, Slovenia. Interestingly, as she awaits her death, she comes across an article in a magazine with a silly question, ?where is Slovenia? ?  She decides to reply the writer and portray that question as the reason of her suicide. All her plans go for a toss. A failed suicide attempt lands her in ?Villete?, the most controversial mental hospital in Slovenia. As if that wasn?t enough, she is revealed that she just has a week to live. Her presence there esp. the fact that she just has a week to live, affects all of the mental hospital''s patients, especially Zedka, who has clinical depression; Mari, who suffers from panic attacks; and Eduard, who has schizophrenia, and with whom Veronika falls in love. She gets the sympathy of the nurses and a few patients. But Veronica is restless. She feels even a week is too long. That?s when she also realizes that now that she has nothing to loose, she can do anything she wishes for, say anything she wants. It?s this freedom that later makes her dread death. It?s this freedom that takes her to new heights of emotional experiences including sexual awakening. Dr. Igor, the Dean of the mental hospital has different great ideas and experiments to make. He is struggling to prove his theory to dwarf the mental poison discovered by alchemists, the Vitriol. His theory strives to prove, the realization of death makes a person live life more fully. Vitriol causes depression, and acute depression the need to die. Death or rather the idea of it knocking the doors makes a person fight depression and enjoy life. Is Veronica seriously going to die? Or is she just a subject in one of the boldest psychological experiments? The Author maintains the suspense beautifully. This story truly brings out the value of life, the essence and beauty of every moment in life. The story also portrays another aspect of social behavior. ?Collective madness is sanity.?This book is partially influenced by Paulo Coelho?s experience in various mental institutions.

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- Veronika Decides To Die

- Veronica Decides To Die

- Veronica Decides To Die

- Veronika Decides To Die

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