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Faust And Frankenstein

Goethe in Faust and Shelley in Frankenstein,
wrap their stories around two men whose mental and physical actions
parallel one another. Both stories deal with characters, who strive to
be the übermensch in their world. In Faust, the striving fellow, Faust,
seeks physical and mental wholeness in knowledge and disaster in lust.
In Frankenstein, Victor Frankenstein struggles for control over one
aspect of nature and disastrously, through the monster, nature controls
him to a much greater degree. Many powers are much too mighty for
mortal souls, a lesson that Frankenstein and Faust learn by the end of
their tales. While voluntarily excommunicating themselves from society,
both characters accomplish a portion of their goal and yet they remain
unhappy because they never control the "perfect" life they have built
for themselves. In Faust, the intelligent gentleman Faust, seeks spiritual
wholeness in knowledge. Through years of hard study, Faust becomes
knowledgeable in math, sciences and religion and yet he becomes inept
and incapable of having any romantic or physical relationships with the
outside world. As Faust strives to become the "over man" through
knowledge, he realizes that books will not satisfy his curiosity and
that maybe sensual pleasures will. Therefore, in the process of
creating his new life, Faust, becomes distant and unconcerned with all
reality and humanity around him.

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