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Struggle Between Good And Evil-othello

The statement that "All conflict in literature
is, in its simplest form, a struggle between good and evil" simplifies
the idea that all themes and struggles in literature when broken down
to their most basic forms are a conflict of good versus evil. This is a
valid statement because good and evil are the basis of all conflict. A
conflict is two sided and any struggle implies a difference of opinion
or emotion which can be broken down into both ?good? and ?evil? parts.

Shakespeare?s use of characterization in Othello describes the
character Othello as a brave, courageous, and honorable soldier. He
also introduces the complete contrast of Othello in the character of
Iago. Iago is portrayed as two-faced and manipulating, representing the
evil aspect in the novel. Shakespeare uses Iago to take advantage of
Othello''s trusting personality and prey at Othello?s good nature.
Othello becomes overridden with hate and jealousy, which consume all of
his other emotions. Othello displays how a character can cross the line
between good and evil.

These emotions that Shakespeare conveys are also important in the
themes of the play. The theme of love shows the good in all the
characters and the theme of jealousy displays the evil in all the
characters. Othello, representing the good, battles against his
jealousy of Desdemona being with Cassio. Also the relationship between
Othello?s character and Iago can be seen as a battle of the two forces.

In conclusion, the struggle of good and evil is a basic struggle
that is common in all novels. This struggle is illustrated in
Shakespeare''s Othello through various themes and characterizations.

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- Othello

- Othello

- Othello

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