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Suzanne's Diary For Nicholas
(James Patterson)

Suzanne's Diary for Nicholas by James Patterson is a wonderful love story that will make you cry.  This book is about Katie Wilkinson who thinks she has finally found the perfect man.  He is a writer, a house painter, an original thinker.  One would say he was all that and a bag of chips. 
¶After getting to know him and falling in love with him, he disappears without explanation.  A few days later Katie receives a package on her door step with a note from him.  She opens the package and finds a diary which is a love letter written by a new mother named Suzanne for her baby son, Nicholas.  In the diary, Suzanne pours out her heart about how she and the boys' father met, about her hopes for marriage and family, and about the unparalleled joy that having a baby has brought into her life.  As Katie Wilkinson reads this very touching diary, it becomes clear to her that the man she has fallen in love with is the husband and father in this young family.  As Katie reads on she is filled with terror and hope as she struggles to understand what has happened and whether her new love has a prayer of surviving.  Over time Katie and her lover are reunited and eventually get married.

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