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Thethorn Birds
(Colleen McCullough)

"The Thorn Birds" is a book written by Colleen McCullough around 30 or more years ago. I read it 3 or 4 years after it had been published. I think I read it in 1983. But what kept it fresh in my mind is its nice and delicate impression on me.I can say that it is the most interesting and beautiful book that I have ever read in my life. The main character of the book was called Meggie. She was a young lady full of beautiful emotions about her surroundings. She was very sensitive and delicate in personality. These are the things I can remember best about her.The relations between the priest and her, that is the lovely feelings of the priest towards her and her lovely feelings towards the priest made the story very interesting and everlasting in my mind. As far as I remember or I can guess, the title of the story is a symbolic name referring to love. That is, the story wanted to convey the message that love acts like a very sharp and actually pointed thing which can penetrate one's heart and has the power to change everything and that no heart is thornproof. By the way, I'm interested in reading it once more in future.

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