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Stock Market - Forex - E-book

Forex INTERNATIONAL MERCADO OF CURRENCIES, also known for Forex or Mercado FX (to use money to buy money), is the biggest financial market of the world. About from 5% of the business-oriented volumes it comes from company and governments that buy or vendem products and services to the foreigner, or that they convert deep into a foreign currency, remains 95% correspond the speculation. In contrast to other financial markets the Forex market does not have a physical localization nor a central stock market. The transactions are efectuadas between the parts, for telephone or for it saw electrónica. The inexistence of physical exchanges allows that the market functions 24 hours on 24 hours, following the biggest financial centers. In this market the investors can react the cambial fluctuations caused by events of económica, social order and politics, at the moment where they occur. Some pairs exist that if can negotiate of which I point out: EUR/USD - (euro/dollar of U.S.A.) the weakness of the American dollar makes with that the pair goes up. Recovery of the United States and one strong foreign demand taking the pair to be depreciated. If you to conclude that the American economy will go to have consecutive worsenings and that the USD will be affected, you must buy this pair, and this will mean that you it will be to buy euros and betting in its high front to the dollar. However, if to conclude that it will have an increase in the foreign demand for American assets as shares and headings of the government and this will benefit the dollar, you will have to vender the pair, that means that it will be to buy American dollars in an expectation of that if it values in relation to euro. USD/JPY - (dollar of U.S.A. Japanese yen) the intervention of the Japanese government to weaken its currency makes with that the pair if values. Valuations in the Japanese stock market (Nikkei) and demand for Japanese assets depreciate the pair. If it waits that the Japanese government will go to continue its attempts to weaken the yen to help to the Japanese exportations you must buy this pair therefore the dollar will go to value itself before the yen. However, if it waits that the Japanese investors take off resources of the American market and repatriate these resources to apply in Japanese assets, as well as the stock market, you must vender the pair. This means that you wait that the yen if values before the dollar therefore the Japanese is vendendo its assets and converting its dollar into yens. GBP/USD - (sterling pound (UK)/dollar of U.S.A.) Growth of the British economy, moves the pair for top. Speculations on the possible adoption of euro in the United kingdom move the pair for low. If you believe that the British economy will continue being benefited for its incomes and growth making with that the pound if values, you must buy this pair. Already, if it believes that the British tend to adoptar euro as currency, you must vender the pair therefore the pound will go to weaken before the dollar therefore the pound will have to be depreciated to join themselves and to convert euro. In the Forex the use of high leverage is very usual what it always must be had in account that such factor increases the risk in the investment. So that it can study and deepen knowledge and strategies in the FOREX

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