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(Eduardo Galeano)

Of poetical form the author Tells the history of diverse women who had
marked the world-wide historia, as well as that had passed for its life
and they had marked it. Between the stories he is possivel to observe
that throughout history the women come searching space in the world
being oppressed by the men. In its narrative he counts of the crueis
forms of pressure imposed the women, and of the fight that is stopped
daily to obtain to become free itself of the tax. In one of its
chronicles; Culture of Terror 1, a girl plays with its dolls and fight
with them so that the two if hold, in the truth the girl does not
bother ninguem and also it seems a doll. Speaking on the question of
the Terror also he weaves another chronicle where a girl is spanked by
the a grandmother who had ambandonado it, for the simple fact of that
it can come to make some wrong thing. As he could not lack speaks on
the love, of the women who come fighting with the attempt to improve
the world.

Resumos Relacionados

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- Little Women

- Girl Child

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